Because everyone needs a little “me time”

  Happy Autumn!


       After an insanely busy work week filled with twelve-hour days of scrambling to complete a project at the office, while also desperately attempting to maintain my sanity, I found myself to be completely drained of all energy this morning. So, naturally, I opted for a pamper Sunday!

I started my morning with a calming autumn drive to my favorite coffee shop, then back home to indulge in one of my most guilty of pleasures, “Keeping up with the Kardashians”. Then, not wanting to waste the beautiful 70 degree weather, I went for a gorgeous walk with a friend of mine on my favorite nature trail. The fresh air was so cleansing while the walk helped to melt away the residual, lingering stress from the previous week.

When I returned home, I made myself a mouth-watering dinner of Vegetarian Pho which I found here: 


It was so simple to make, yet it was SO delicious! Those are always my favorite kinds of recipes; short, sweet, and to the point!

        I then lit  a couple candles, each fall-scented of course, and watched “Crazy, Stupid Love” (one of my all-time favorites!). After my movie, my sweet tooth was calling to be fulfilled so I decided to make some tasty hot chocolate with a touch of cinnamon and adorned, ever so generously, with a dollop of cool-whip. Heaven in a mug!

    Finally, what better way to finish my “me day” than a homemade face mask and a good bath? For my mask, I took to my fridge for ingredients that would help to rejuvenate, brighten, and hydrate my skin. I found yogurt, mixed berries (blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries), and a lemon, perfect! To those ingredients, I added some honey as it helps the skin to retain moisture. I threw the yogurt (about 2 tablespoons) and berries (1/4 cup) into my blender for a quick blitz, then mixed in the lemon juice (1 tablespoon) and honey (2 tablespoons). After washing my face, I gently massaged the concoction on and left it for about 45 minutes while I watched reruns of “The Office”. The light fragrance of the berries and lemon juice is so lovely and invigorating. I would definitely recommend trying this mask!


         My skin feels so refreshed and delightfully moisturized after having wiped my face clean with a warm washcloth. And now, a bath! I’ve chosen an equal mixture of dead sea salt and Epsom salt (about a cup altogether) with a few drops of lavender oil, a tablespoon of coconut oil, and rose petals on top. How decadent! Did you know that soaking in an Epsom salt bath for at least a half hour can increase blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and ease a headache? Also, they’re super relaxing and I always feel so calm and peaceful afterwards.


So, off I go to conclude my pamper day with a good soak before hopping into bed. I hope you all have a wonderful week!
