Coffee Chat

Happy Monday!

This will be a more relaxed post, so here’s a shot of the newest addition to my ever-growing mug collection to start things off:

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As I work for a financial institution, I luckily had the day off today for Columbus Day (or Indigenous Peoples’ Day as it’s being referred to around the country as Christopher Columbus was a jerk). I didn’t make any plans for today so I’ve spent the better half of my day sleeping in, watching episodes of The Office on Netflix and spending way too much money shopping online. Oops!

I actually had a lovely weekend, though. On Saturday, I spent some time with my very best friend who is a gorgeous person, inside and out! She’s a Pin Up model and is teaching a class out of her apartment every Saturday through the month of October about how to become a pin up! In this weekend’s class, she showed us how to do “victory rolls” in our hair, and as much as it was frustrating, it was a blast. I’ve always been interested in the fashions and styles of the 1950’s through the 1970’s and I’m so tickled that those styles are making a comeback!

On Sunday, we had some absolutely beautiful Autumn weather, so my boyfriend and I went out to my favorite nature trail. We then stopped for a decadent hot caramel apple cider (mmm!), and spent some time at his mom’s house playing with his super cute niece. It was such a nice, relaxing day.

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Now, I’m just reflecting on the past year, which literally flew by. It seems like it was just last week that my boyfriend and I moved into our first apartment together, yet it’ll be a year next month already. It’s been a rough year filled with a lot of ups and downs, panic attacks, and depressive plateaus. Yet I keep going, because what else can I do? I still have no idea what I want to do with my life, so I made it a priority this year to focus my energy on my interests, praying that they take me somewhere. Being quiet and shy, I was always more of a follower, easily taken advantage of. So I’ve done quite a bit of self exploration and have come to realization that I am stronger than I ever thought I was.

I think the twenties are a good time in someone’s life to be a little selfish, as the decisions we make during this time generally mold whom we’ll become as well as what direction our lives will actually take. One of my biggest accomplishments of this past year, although it may seem silly and mundane, is that I learned to say “no”. I’ve almost always been a people-pleaser, and I have finally found that, although doing things for others is a wonderful thing, that if I’m uncomfortable or don’t have interest in doing something, it’s perfectly okay for me to decline.

I’m proud of how much I’ve learned about myself this past year, and I the fact that I’ll only continue to grow excites me so very much! And to anyone who might be in the same boat as I am as far as not fully knowing exactly what it is you want to do with your life, just have hope, believe in yourself, and follow your true interests and dreams. You can do absolutely anything you want in life (as long as it doesn’t harm yourself or others), and only you can stop yourself from doing what it is you truly want to do. My best friend, the Pin Up model, has shown me that. She’s such an inspiration to me!

That’s all for my ramblings today. If you’ve actually read this whole post, you are amazing! Next week, I’ll have a bit more to write about as my family and I are taking our yearly family vacation to North Carolina! I’m excited 🙂

Enjoy your week, follow me on Twitter (@RoriRaine) and hopefully I’ll see you next week!


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